Monday’s are Actually Magical mindset start your business

If you hate Mondays and live for Fridays, don’t you think it’s really something you should figure out? There are so many ways to change that. There are so many opportunities for you to love your life all around. But you gotta make the decision to go for it!

đź’— Whatever it is your...

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HOLY SHIT! Facebook and IG are down! marketing social media

For many of my followers, it feels like the damn apocalypse today! Why? Because even though I preach the fact that you need an email list, some people just don’t believe that. And today has been the day to reinforce my very strong opinion….YOU CANNOT COUNT ON FACEBOOK OR ANY OTHER...

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Change Your Life by Being A 5 Minute Meditation Warrior mindset

Meditation changed my life. And before you roll your eyes and click off the page let me explain something. I’m no Buddhist monk meditating for hours. No, there’s no way I would ever have time for THAT! And I’m not making fun of anyone who does do that. But, nope, not this hot...

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Just Keep Going! Don’t Stop! grow your business this is me

Never allow someone to try and sway what you feel is right for you. Do you! Keep going.

I once had a coach tell me that I wouldn’t get anywhere in my business because I wasn’t willing to “invest” in myself. This was at a point when I literally was negative in my bank...

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5 Limiting Beliefs that Are Destroying Your Self Confidence mindset

Limiting beliefs are firmly held convictions that constrain us in some way. By believing them, we end up diminishing ourselves and impoverishing our lives. They tend to destroy your self-esteem, damaging your belief in your own ability to make the necessary changes in your life that will lead you...

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What THE Actual Funnel?? grow your business marketing

Answering Your Questions About Sales Funnels and Why Coaches Need One

One question I am asked all the time from my readers is what is a sales funnel and why is it important to have one? I guess that’s really two questions but they go hand in hand so I’ll tackle answering them...

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You Procrastinate but You Are Not a Procrastinator mindset productivity start your business

How much further behind in the game are you because you think you’re a procrastinator? Come again?

Here is the thing, you aren’t a procrastinator but you have a habit of procrastinating. I used to hold on to that procrastinator label BIG TIME! It gave me an out. It gave me an excuse....

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You Don’t Need a Retreat to Thrive grow your business

Ok, this may annoy some people and that is ok. However, one of the many and one of the biggest reasons I started coaching moms to start businesses because I was so sick of hearing certain things in the coaching world. One of those things was that I couldn’t possibly up-level my business...

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Stop listening to the Judgments already grow your business mindset this is me
This is the post I made on Insta and Facebook but I wanted to expand on this topic more here.
On the topic of other people’s judgment and opinions and letting go of it so you can thrive…here’s a truth. I used to be so worried about posting pics of me and my pittie for...
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Forget the Dumb Ass Opinions grow your business mindset start your business

For a long time, I put off really starting my business because I was so afraid of those dumb ass opinions from the people around me. Even worse I was afraid of judgment from people I didn’t even know. Every time I would post something, every time I would go live or do a video, I would get...

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My Journey Through My Hell Part 3 this is me

This is a continued article. For the one before this click here.

The first 6 months of being a mom was a roller coaster of emotions. I’m sure it always is but I can only attest to my own roller coaster and the things that I dealt with. The first 4-5 months were the most difficult for...

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How to Turn a Dream Into a Workable Plan grow your business

As a coach, it can be difficult to watch the lack of progress of so many promising entrepreneurs and coaches. They’ve dreamed for so long about creating a solid, sustainable business, and yet, all they do is a dream.

You know the people I’m talking about. They attend conferences, sign...

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