Change Your Life by Being A 5 Minute Meditation Warrior


Meditation changed my life. And before you roll your eyes and click off the page let me explain something. I’m no Buddhist monk meditating for hours. No, there’s no way I would ever have time for THAT! And I’m not making fun of anyone who does do that. But, nope, not this hot mess here. Between a toddler, a fiance, a dog, a business, and catching up on episodes of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse…just no time.

But here’s the thing, you barely need any time to meditate and get some of the many amazing benefits from it. For the last 2 years, I have taken 5 minutes out of my daily life…and this has changed my life DRASTICALLY! I call myself a 5 Minute Meditation Guru…because I am and because it really does work even if you can only do it a short time a day.

I’ve had ADD all my life. Only it was undiagnosed. I was horrible in school to the point of my high school passed me for graduation because they wanted their problem child(me) gone. I never knew what was wrong with me or why I could never focus until much much later in life. Meditation calmed my mind. It helped and continues to help me focus.

And I used to be the least confident person I knew. I used to have to give myself a pep talk just to walk into pick up take out. Yes, that’s a true story and I’ve talked about it many times before. It was no joke. So here’s something else, confidence is a fantastic byproduct that comes from meditation, yet few people even really talk about that effect. Meditation can have a significant impact on your self-confidence when practiced daily.

Real reflection means being able to let go of everything. Along with the many health benefits that you can gain from meditation, it can also stop the negative self-talk that can destroy your self-confidence. Meditation shows you that you don’t have to listen to your inner voice, you know the one I’m talking about. That crazy person living inside your head who tells you you’re fat or tells you that you could never speak in front of a crowd. Well, both are bs I’m sure.

Follow these three steps to start building your confidence through meditation.

Step 1: Learn How to Meditate
When you are first starting out, basic mindfulness meditation will be the best practice because it is easy to do. Mindfulness meditation revolves around focusing on the physical sensations of the present moment. The easiest way to accomplish this is by focusing on your breathing. Here are the steps you need to do to begin practicing.

* Sit down in a chair or on the floor and maintain a tall, erect posture.
* Set a five-minute timer on your phone.
* Begin by breathing through your nose.
* Hold your breath to the count of four, then exhale.

Focus on the cold air as it enters your nose with each inhalation. Notice how your belly rises with each breath. As you exhale, feel the warm air as it exits your nose and how your body begins to relax. If your attention starts to wander, refocus on your breathing on the next inhalation.

Step 2: Build a Habit of Meditation
If you want to reap all the benefits of mediation, you have to do it more than once or twice. To keep your mind quiet and confident, you have to create a consistent practice of meditation. Which means DAILY! The most effective way to create a daily habit of reflection is to make it an essential part of your daily routine. No wavering…ever. Nothing is more important than 5 minutes. Unless someone is dying or hurt. You can do this by committing to practicing first thing in the morning, or right before you go to bed.

Step 3: Use Mindful Breathing
When you follow the first two steps, you’ll begin to develop quiet confidence that will stay with you no matter what. However, there are always times when we’ll start to feel anxious. When you begin to feel anxious and catch yourself getting lost in negative thoughts, stop what you are doing, and focus on your breathing. Relax your body and decide to take action.

Practicing in regular meditation can help you banish negative self-talk and build your confidence up. The key is to learn how to practice simple meditation and turn it into a daily habit. This really will have such a drastic and amazing effect on your life. I promise you that.